Become Relevant, Relatable & Referable

Imagine this: You, not just being relevant but becoming the go-to, unforgettable real estate or mortgage pro in your niche. Picture a steady flow of top-notch leads, ready to take action because they don't just like you, they know and trust you

Tell me more!

The entire world's online & the fear of being left behind can be paralyzing, right?


Deep down, you understand that personal branding is the key to transforming connections into devoted clients. Yet, your heart might be wrestling with overwhelm—too many platforms, not enough confidence, and an uncertain strategy.

And let's talk about frustration; not knowing what to post that truly captivates and closes sales is enough to drive anyone up the wall. No more snooze-fest market updates, we're here to spark conversations!

Especially videos- it's like diving into vulnerability central, right? I get it; it's a space that can trigger self-doubt and insecurity.

But guess what? We'll navigate this together and turn that vulnerability into your superpower!

Break free from the confusion & uncertainty of deciding where to begin

  • Identify your target audience & clarify your uniqueness

  • Develop a healthy & profitable relationship with social media

  • Intentionally attract your perfect potential client


Your 6-step Social Media Blueprint to Creating an Un-Copy-Paste-Able Brand is below!


Boost your online presence organically, without costly ads or daily posting


Create a vibrant personal brand that magnetizes ideal clients


Execute simple instructions that work for beginners & experts


be genuine, credible & get results without hustle or hacks.

Let's goooo!



90 minutes with all sessions recorded for replay


post homework, questions & get customized feedback


Ask your coach a question any time using this app

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Social Media Strategy

Your path to building a robust personal brand that draws in your ideal clients, fosters genuine engagement & creates compelling content that forges connections and drives conversions. This 6-step process is the key to becoming more relevant, relatable, and referable online.

I built this program with 24 years of experience in the real estate industry and 11 years of frustration not finding what I needed to be successful in any class or I took matters into my own hands!

This is my proprietary system consisting of 6 pillars that I’ve used to grow my own brand. I've taught tens of thousand of real estate professionals how to show up online & will do the same for you!
Every client-centered real estate pro and expert personal brand should use these 6 strategies if they want to maximize their reach, grow their reputation, and increase their revenue.




  • Two Weekly zoom calls (90min each) ($4,351)
  • Facebook Group ($199)
  • Video Mini Course ($99)
  • Workbook ($149)
  • Voxer Access (priceless!)
  • Anyone who graduates can take any future live cohort hosted in 2024 for FREE!



Payment Plan Available


2 Monthly Payments

  • 2 Weekly zoom calls (90 min each) ($4,351)
  • Facebook Group ($199)
  • Video Mini Course ($99)
  • Workbook ($149)
  • Voxer Access (priceless!)
  • Anyone who graduates can take any future live cohort hosted in 2024 for FREE!




Program Starts Friday, April 5th 2024 @10:00am PST

Weekly Classes Mondays & Fridays @ 10:00-12:00PM PST

*All live classes will be recorded if you can't stay for the whole session!

Nestor & Michelle

"In a world where social media can sometimes be a breeding ground for misinformation, attempts to work an algorithm or simple inauthenticity, Chelsea’s focus is on promoting positive engagement & meaningful connections. Her approach is so refreshing & more to the point, inspiring. Every time there is an event or a chance where we have the privilege of hearing and learning from her we take it!"

Lorraine D.

“I connected with Chelsea through another agent in my local market. When I say Connected - I do mean Connected.  Everything she teaches - she actually does herself - she makes real connections with real people through social media.  Chelsea takes the most complex aspects of social media that we often find intimidating and turns them from technical into small steps that help you become relatable and engaging."

C. Wright

"Chelsea is the ultimate social media coach! Hiring her for yourself, your clients, your team is one of the BEST decisions you can make. The training & perspective she provides is what every entrepreneur needs to show up confidenty & authentically online. Any fears you're experiencing around building a brand on social media will be completely smashed by the end of your time with her. I recommend her wholeheartedly!"


I'm Chelsea Peitz

my last name rhymes with lights

So, here's the thing about many social media coaches...

they're all about those quick-hit tactics, the flashy hooks, and watch time hacks. It's like a flashy circus out there. But, my friend, I take a different route. I'm diving deep into the human side of the story, exploring the intricacies of neuroscience & psychology. It's not just about tactics for me; it's about building genuine relationships and trust in this screen-to-screen world.

My coaching? It's all about strategy, not the quick-fix stuff. Let's market with heart and humanity, not hustle & hacks, to create connections that truly last.

I'm a two-time best-selling author, an award-nominated podcast host, and a sought-after speaker, gracing prestigious stages such as Social Media Marketing World, Inman Connect, and Forbes top ranked podcasts like Rory Vaden's "Influential Personal Brand".

Stop feeling totally wiped out & overwhelmed trying to navigate the intricate realm of social media & personal branding alone.


It's time to take a breather and admit it, navigating the intricate world of personal branding solo can be a real challenge.
Join us, save precious time, and redirect it to what truly matters. No more guessing games, no costly blunders. With expert guidance, you'll fast-track your way to a standout personal brand. Time becomes your treasure, money invested wisely for clear returns.
Count Me In!
Sign Me Up!

Before you go...

Your success means the world, whether you decide to jump into this program or go solo. Real estate's a challenge, but I've got total faith in your ability to conquer it. If you choose to brave it alone, consider me your biggest fan. I can't wait to witness the heights you'll hit!

Slide into my inbox to share your wins, seek support or ask any questions!

Slide into my inbox